Thursday, February 10, 2011

A great day off, filled with thought

I've always thought that days off required me to be productive, get laundry done, pick up the house, and other things that make my existence more bearable.  And I've lived by that creed for some time, but today was different.  I woke up at 8 and got caught up on my T.V. shows, then checking facebook I was reminded that I needed to check out Moustache's coffee shop downtown.  I called up Affliction, and later on he, Lobster Man, and I went to check it out.  It was actually really great, and had a good atmosphere.

After we finished I went home and was feeling pretty drained, I had gotten sick the night before and hadn't gotten much sleep.  I decided to turn on the T.V. and take a nap.  I was great until I woke up 3 hours later, my "productivity guilt" was going nuts.  I forced myself to go to get groceries, but upon returning home I wanted to do nothing more than continue my day of laziness.  It has been a great day, and I didn't get anything done.

Looking to the next few days, Mr. Rational and Literary Cat are coming to town.  Tomorrow night the Intellectuals are getting together to play D&D.  I'm excited, one because I am wrapping up the adventure I have been running for quite sometime, and two I'll get a month or two off from DMing while Mr. Rational takes over.

It's always been an odd setup since college, I feel like I have two different lives.  Not in the weird psychotic way, I have always just managed to have two different groups of friends.  The Intellectual group has always been the people I go to when I have a serious issue or want to have an intelligent discussion.  Then there are the Partyers, those people I go to when I don't want to deal with a serious issue or consciously want to make bad choices.  But something weird has been happening, the line is beginning to blur.  A couple weeks ago I got a call from Nice Nurse, who has always been the "Mama Bear" of the Intellectuals, being fiercely protective of us, called me up and asked if I was headed to the bar that night.  Not something I ever imagined would happen, but a great night with her and her husband Fallout Boy.  Before that at our group's Christmas party, the night ended with me doing shots of SoCo with Smart Musician while his wife Angel Cole looked on in amusement.

Perhaps this is the reason that most of the Partyers have slowly fallen out of my life.  Affliction is my best friend, so he has always lived in both worlds, and my ex-girlfriend Mayday started out as a Partyer but while we were together I brought her into the Intellectuals.  They are really the only two I keep in contact with on a regular basis, but part of me misses having that crazy side, the guy who lets go for a night and doesn't care about the consequences.

Well, that's it for me.  I'll see you all tomorrow.  Dpad Without Direction leaves you with this,

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
- C. S. Lewis

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